TO DO > Events > Pilgrimage


Pilgrimage of Nossa Senhora da Enxara
At Easter, the population moves to Enxara, a place located in the countryside, near the village of Ouguela, in order to celebrate this holy season.


Usually people go to Enxara on Holy Friday and camp there during the weekend, returning only on Monday Easter, Municipal Holiday. During the festivities, which brings together the religious and the profane, a mass is held with a pitched procession, traditional fair, “garraiadas”, musical entertainment and other entertainment.


Pilgrimage of São Joãozinho

This pilgrimage, which takes place on the 23rd of June at the Chapel of São Joãozinho, includes a triduo of preparation, mass and camp procession. At night there is a popular festival that ends with a traditional sale of “fogaças” (offers of cakes, fruits and animals made by people who have made promises). These “fogaças” are sold at auction reverting the product of its sale for the maintenance of the chapel.

