VISIT > Cultural Flower > Arte Sacra´s Museum

The Arte Sacra Museum, owned by the “Fábrica da Igreja da Freguesia de São João Baptista”, offers visitors a journey through the history of salvation, based on a vast collection of paintings, images, pieces of furniture and goldsmithery, collected from various churches in the municipality of Campo Maior, which constitute a unique document and an illustration of the religiosity of the people of Campomaiorenses between the 16th and 20th centuries.

It is installed in the Nossa Senhora do Carmo Chapel, in the historical centre of the Village of Campo Maior, in the street of São João Baptista. This chapel is a veritable jewel in the purity of popular baroque architecture and was commissioned by Priest José Coelho Pereira in 1801 with the alms of the people.

The artistic treasures on display describe the story of Jesus Christ and are divided into six themed spaces:

  • Room of the Passion and Death in the Kingdom of Heaven
  • Nativity room
  • Faith room: Martyrs and Saints
  • Vestments and Goldsmithery room
  • Our Lady Room
  • Garden of Santa Bárbara

Gathering about 150 pieces in a set of very high artistic and cultural interest, the Museum of Sacred Art allows visitors an encounter with beauty, art, history and Christian culture and constitutes a place of reflection for all Catholics.
